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Mostafa Abasiry

Followers 26
Favorites 480

About this Store

You've probably heard the tired cliche about a picture being worth a thousand words. I've taken the opposite of this phrase quite literally and created Arabic fonts that could turn your words into stunning typographic masterpieces, each worth a thousand pictures!

Join Date:   Nov 2019
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Featured Products

Mozhel - Arabic Typeface
7 people have this in their cart
Laftah - Arabic Font
7 people have this in their cart
Mawzoon - Arabic Font
6 people have this in their cart
Marjan - Arabic Font
Shaffaf - Arabic Color Font
Baloori - Arabic Font
Tafkeek - Arabic Color Font
2 people have this in their cart
Mustoor - Arabic Font
6 people have this in their cart
Takeib - Arabic Font
3 people have this in their cart
Kufikan - Arabic Typeface
7 people have this in their cart
Istimala Arabic Color Font
Tajazob - Arabic Color Font
2 people have this in their cart
Salasah - Arabic Font
Hamhamah - Arabic Color Font
4 people have this in their cart
Molan - Arabic Font
3 people have this in their cart
Tamazoj Arabic Color Font
3 people have this in their cart
Maksoos - Arabic Font
2 people have this in their cart
Malhooz - Arabic Typeface
2 people have this in their cart
Marmooz - Arabic Font
Monbasit - Arabic Typeface
Fada’ey Arabic Font
Momaykan - Arabic Colour Font
2 people have this in their cart
Aasry - Arabic Font
5 people have this in their cart
Makouky - Arabic Font
2 people have this in their cart
Noqoush - Arabic Typeface
Flumaster - Arabic Color Font
4 people have this in their cart
Manzour - Arabic Color Font
Qahqahah - Arabic Typeface
3 people have this in their cart
Tarakeeb - Arabic Color Font
Masfoof - Arabic Font
3 people have this in their cart
Tashweesh - Arabic Color Font
2 people have this in their cart
Masqool - Arabic Font
2 people have this in their cart
Cruuki - Arabic Font
4 people have this in their cart
Makhtoot - Arabic Font
Tohfah - Arabic Colour Font
3 people have this in their cart
Masbook - Arabic Font
2 people have this in their cart
Maaqoud - Arabic Font
2 people have this in their cart
Mawjah - Arabic Color Font
2 people have this in their cart
Taroub - Arabic Font
2 people have this in their cart
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