Posted 21st October 2017 •
By Design Bundles
Do you like to decorate your home for the various seasonal holidays but hate spending tons of money for them and taking up precious storage space? Me too!!
Here are some ideas on how to create cute décor pieces using items you probably already have laying around the house. A quick run to the dollar store will fill in any missing supplies. (I told you this was affordable!)
These are also fun crafts you can do with your kids!
Wine Bottle Mummy
This project uses:
- an old glass wine bottle (or a paper towel tube, plastic bottle, whatever you have!)
- white crepe paper roll
- googly eyes
- black material scrap (paper, felt, fabric)
- tape/hot glue

First, use your hot glue to attach the googly eyes to your black material scrap. Then use your tape to attach that to the top third of your bottle. (tape is easy to remove when the season is over so you can reuse the bottle for another project)

Next, tape the end of your crepe paper to the bottle and start wrapping it around.

Don't worry about rolling over the eyes, we will fold/push it out of the way when you're done wrapping.

Just use your fingers to expose the eyes, it's ok if you tear the crepe paper a bit.

To give it that fun textured look, just drag your nails over the paper to rough it up. You can scrunch it up a bit too. Have fun with it!

Make a few to have it as a grouping.

Here are a few other ideas!
Egg Carton Spider
Paint an egg carton black, I wasn't worried about making it perfectly coated since I wanted it to look "fuzzy".
Next, glue on the googly eyes over the center of each egg bump out.
Finally, use black pipe cleaners folded in half and glue them on the back.

White Plastic Tablecloth Ghost
I had a leftover white plastic tablecloth from my son's birthday party from the dollar store. I just cut some wide strips from it and wrapped it around some air packing material from my last Amazon shipment. Then I used a thin strip to tie it around the center. Add some black eyes with a black marker and string it up!

Lastly, I just cut some temporary stick vinyl and used the Little Monsters font from the Kitaleigh bundle and stuck it onto a plastic pumpkin I had from last years décor.
Now you have a whole bunch of cute Halloween decorations to dress up a mantle, bookcase, or sideboard in your house!

When the holiday is over simply recycle your spider and ghost, remove the vinyl from the pumpkin, and remove the paper from the bottle.
If you want the tutorial on how to make that fun spooky word wooden banner check out this post.