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Top 10 Hilarious Kerning Fails

Top 10 Hilarious Kerning Fails

Kerning is such an important part of typography, one incorrect spacing error can lead to not only embarrassment but internet blog posts such as this!

Let's dive right in to the Top 10 Hilarious Kerning Fails - enjoy!
pen is broke please use fingerCredit: http://blog.signsbytomorrow.com/embarrassed-sign-errors
I'm pretty sure that image is supposed to say "Pen is broken" but hey maybe it was intentional!

10 flickering lightsCredit: http://www.collegehumor.com/post/6816388/confusing-kerning-on-flickering-lights
I'm fairly confident this says "Flickering" mainly because lights flicker, but also because I have faith in Chinese manufacturers.

flicks for valentinesCredit: http://www.news.com.au/finance/business/retail/jb-hifi-valentines-day-sign-doesnt-give-a-flick/news-story/3b29dbb33ea5ec702f9e03a90a105dfb
"Flicks" also means Movies right? I guess this is where "Netflix and Chill" originated!

kip for burnsCredit: https://www.instagram.com/p/BBDicjOwi0b/
I guess KIP was made for Burns rather than a certain part of the anatomy, unless of course you sit on the fire!

kids exchange logoCredit: http://logoquizcheats.net/worst-logo-fails/kids-exchange-shop-logo/
I guess it's all part of the service... Not using a good amount of spacing between words!
massage the rapist kerningCredit: http://www.boredpanda.com/funny-letter-spacing-fails/
I shall not be massaging any such thing!

final registration kerning failCredit: http://melissaisthecoolest.com/uncategorized/the-importance-of-font/
I'm pretty sure such a thing doesn't exist - to which I am glad!

shitake mushroomsCredit: http://digitalsynopsis.com/design/funny-letter-spacing-kerning-fails/
I've tried these, they are actually really nice! Yum!

click loversCredit: http://www.earthporm.com/bad-letter-spacing/
Hey I am not judging what you do in your spare time! I must click my mouse 10,000 times a day. I don't love it as much as these guys though!

special aunt greeting card kerning failCredit: https://www.buzzfeed.com/alisoncaporimo/greeting-card-fails
My Aunt is a lovely woman.... be careful with some lower case script font a's!

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