Proudly present our new font.
It is name Hollgates - Elegant Signature Font.
Hollgates is script handwritten style with a natural charm.
This font that is a modern signature and unique style handmade comes with very beautiful character changes.
To keep maximum real hand lettered effect, there were created 240 ligatures (you can see them among presentation pictures).When creating the font, we should take into consideration that each letter should be able to be connected with other letters. For example, letter "a" should be well connected as well as with "l" and "n" and with any other letters. This limits us: we have to start letter from exact one point and finish in exact second point. So here come ligatures.
Hollgates font contains following ligatures:
ab ad af ah ai ak al am an ao ap as at az az bh bl bk bt bx br cb cl ch ck cc cr cs ct co cx cz
dd db dh dl dk dt dr ds dx dz eb ef eh ek el et ett er em en es ex ez ff fh fl fk fi fo fs ft fr fz fx
gg gh gr gb gf gl gk gt go gs gz hf ho hs ht hz ib if ih ik il it itt ii in im ip is ir iz ix
jo kl kk kh ko ks kr kt kx kz lo li ls lu lr lx ly lz mm mf mi mh ml mk mo mp ms mt mz mx
nb ni nf nh nl nk no ns nr np nt nx nz ob of oh oi oj ok ol om on op os ot ott ou ox oz
ph ppl pp ps pt pu pi pr po px pz rs rr st sh sl sk sb si sm sn so sp su sx sy sz
oll all ell ill ull th tl tk ti ts tr to tu tx tz ty ub ul uh uk ul ut utt
un um up us ux uz vh vl wh wl wo zz ee ll ff oo rr ss tt dd ff
It’s the perfect fit for all luxury projects, such as wedding invitation, signatures, luxury logos, printed quotes, grettings cards, social media headers, product packaging and many more!
It includes a full set of uppercase and lowercase letters, multilingual symbols, numerals, punctuation and ligatures.
It is PUA encoded which means you can access all of the glyphs and swashes with ease!
Fall in love with its incredibly versatile style and use it to create spectacular designs!
Use this font for any crafting project that requires a personalized look!
What’s Included :
– Works on PC & Mac
– Easy to use ( Installations )
– Easy Convert to webfont
– Compabilty Windows, Apple, Linux, Cricut, Silhouette and Other cutting machines
Thanks for downloading, and I hope you enjoy it!