Magic Spell font is a very neat handwritten font that can be used as Handwriting Script Font, GoodNotes Handwritten Font, Ink Pen Font, Ball Point Pen Font, Simple Handwritting For Digital Planner Note Taking Font, Note Font, Digital Note Taking Font, Neat Handwriting Font. Journaling Font, Farmhouse Font, Handwritten Font for iPad, Monoline Handwriting Font, Neat Tidy Font, Handwritten Embroidery Font, Monoline Lettering Font, Study Font
Perfectly suitable for numerous use such as quotations, banners, logos, product packaging, titles, headers, menu lists and even for digital note taking! Also, can work well on iPad planners, digital planners, GoodNotes templates, and other digital notes and journals.
✅ English (Basic Latin Characters)
✔️OTF File
✔️TTF File
GoodNotes, Notability, Keynote, Pages, Numbers, Procreate, Photoshop, Illustrator, Cricut, Silhouette, InDesign, Microsoft Word, and more! ++