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Sketchy Gossip - a single-line stroke font for engraving/pen

$15.00 USD
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SKETCHY GOSSIP is a single-line font built from my "Juicy Gossip" outline font. It has a fun rounded handwriting style that works for tons of casual projects, from greeting cards to jewelry to cutting boards!

The font contains the full "Basic Latin" 95-character set (A-Z, a-z, 0-9, lots of punctuation; basically everything that appears on an English-language keyboard), as well as the full 96 "Latin-1 Supplemental" character set for language support, some extra punctuation, and a few handy arrows and shapes.

Languages supported: English, Dutch, French, German, Icelandic, Irish, Italian, Portuguese, Norwegian, Spanish, Swedish, and more!

I'm also including the SVG of vector bonus objects that comes with the original Juicy Gossip. It's a bunch of hand-drawn banners, ovals, speech balloons, and other fun shapes for your designs.

Your download includes:

- Sketchy Gossip 1 (TTF, single stroke, used in CNC/specialty programs);

- Sketchy Gossip 2 (TTF, double stroke, used in most design programs);

- Sketchy Gossip OPF (OPF, single stroke, for use in very specific programs);

- Sketchy Gossip Alphabet SVG (all single-stroke letters in one file);

- Gossip Bonus Shapes SVG.



Single-stroke and double-stroke fonts aren’t your ordinary fonts; they can’t be used for word processing or printing. They’re meant for a sketch pen, foil quill, engraving tool, infusible ink pen, Glowforge scoring, or any other stylus or nib that draws letters with a single line instead of an outline. This font comes in both a single stroke and double stroke version; different software programs will use different formats. 

Due to known issues with Brother CanvasWorkspace, I cannot guarantee that the typeable fonts will work; you may need to use the included SVG file which contains the full character set.

Due to known issues with Cricut Design Space, you may receive an error when going to the "Make It" screen. Please see the included PDF guide on how to work around known errors in this program!

Product Information

  • Release Date:
    26th December '24
  • Updated Date:
    26th December '24
  • Product Tags:
    Single Line Font Sketch Pen Font Foil Quill Font Glowforge Font Cricut Infusible Ink Single Stroke Font Silhouette Font Engraving Font Embossing Font Laser Engraver Font
  • File Types Included:
  • Projects:
    Birthday Cards Cricut Crafts Digital Crafts Foil Quill Designs Glowforge Crafts Greeting Cards Silhouette Crafts
  • Themes:
    Crafting Creating
  • Product Groups:
    Report listing for infringement

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Sketchy Gossip - a single-line stroke font for engraving/pen

By Missy Meyer Fonts

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